Internal Affairs
Building #2892Window Rock Blvd
Post Office Box 3360Window Rock, Arizona 86515
Monday - Friday (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
There are many ways to file a complaint, choose the process most convenient for you.
The Department of Internal Affairs is responsible for investigation and review of all complaints of misconduct made against the Navajo Division of Public Safety employees.
The options to file a complaint are:
When making a complaint, make sure you include your name, address, telephone number(s) and as much detailed information about the incident. If you have photographs and other documents, please submit with your complaint and remember to provide accurate information.
After you have filed a complaint, an assigned Police Sergeant will attempt to contact you; this Police Sergeant is usually the person who will handle your complaint throughout the duration of the investigation.
Once your investigation has been completed and classified you will receive a letter in the mail, stating the outcome of your complaint/investigation.
Check the status of your complaint, please call the Navajo Office of Internal Affairs at (928) 871-6990